Potential flow around an electric train by Aco Wahyudi Efendi, 2024. Comparing simulation and manual estimates of the airflow and drag on an electric commuter train.

Biomechanical modeling by Aco Wahyudi Efendi, 2024. Effects of blood pressure for diagnosing male reproductive health.

Modeling of soil subsidence by Aco Wahyudi Efendi, 2023. Comparative analysis of soil subsidence using LISA and geotechnical software.


Railway sleeper strength by Aco Wahyudi Efendi, 2022. Verifying the strength of concrete and wooden railway sleepers subject to train weight and the heat generated by wheel friction.

Ανάλυση-Διερεύνηση Βαλβίδας by Christos Anastasopoulos, 2021. ΕΛΕΓΧΟΣ ΤΕΡΜΑΤΙΚΗΣ ΒΑΛΒΙΔΑΣ ΜΑΝ ΦΡΑΓΜΑΤΟΣ ΠΗΝΕΙΟΥ ΗΛΕΙΑΣ.


Fluid Flow In A Dual Vacuum Particulate Extraction System by Ray Frey, 2019. Determining the capacity of a vacuum generator so as to meet the velocity and pressure drops of a particulate extraction system.

(8-Station) Polymer Welding System by Ray Frey, 2019. Reducing the residual heat at a thermal weld station in a high speed consumer products packaging machine.

Design of an ultralight aircraft by Christos Anastasopoulos, 2018. A complete report on the aerodynamic and strength design of a two seater ultralight aircraft.

Explicit relationship between electrical and topological degradation of polymer supported metal films subjected to mechanical loading by O. Glushko, et.al., 2018. The article appeared in [Appl. Phys. Lett. 110, 191904 (2017)] , non-personal use requires author and AIP Publishing permission.

Cooling of a hybrid circuit package by Bill Sands, 2018. Comparing simulation temperature results with measured values for a hybrid packaged electronic device.

Canard design of the Bloodhound land speed record vehicle by Paul Martin, 2017. Verifying the strength of a Canard under aerodynamic loading.

Tensões no patim do Trilho por Mhileizer Toledo Arenas Silva (Venezolana), 2017. Um estudo para determinar as tensões no patim do trilho na presença de um, três e cinco dormentes laqueados. Brasil.

DC resistance in thin films having cracks by O. Glushko, P. Kraker, 2016. Modeling the increase in DC electrical resistance of flexible electronic products due to microscopic cracks.

Honeycomb panel fastener insert strength by Jeffrey Black, 2015. Verification of mounting inserts bonded to the non-metallic honeycomb cores of aircraft interior panels for attaching storage bins, television monitors, emergency equipment etc.

Tensioner ring seizing by Karim Tjokromulia, 2015. Investigation into the seizing of a tensioner ring assembly which supports marine risers of a drilling rig.

Computer use and the carpal tunnel syndrome by Mouzakis, D.E., et al, 2014. Finite element simulation of the mechanical impact of computer work on the carpal tunnel syndrome. Journal of Biomechanics.

Iterative calculation of the heat transfer coefficient by Dr. Dario Roncati, 2013.Estimating the heat transfer coefficient for a heat sink using the Nusselt number which accounts for the geometrical shape of the heat sink and air flow.

Strutturali critici del sistema cogenerativo a concentrazione solare Trinum A cura di Stefano Vinto, 2013. Trinum è un sistema di cogenerazione per produrre energia elettrica e acqua calda, formato da motore Stirling free piston e da un concentratore solare parabolico ad inseguimento.

The Air Cavity, f-holes and Helmholtz Resonance of a Violin or Viola by John Coffey 2013. This article examines the resonances of the air cavity of a violin and studies the lowest frequency oscillation, A0, in some depth.

Een ZwaluwstaartVerbinding in een Stalen Frame door Jandirk van Oosten, 2013. Een Onderzoek met behulp van de Eindige Elementen Methode (LISA) naar een RoestvrijStalen ZwaluwstaartVerbinding tussen Stalen Kolom en Stalen ligger.

Concrete Shower Pan Cracking by Dirk Duffner, 2013. Analysis to identify the cause for cracks occurring within months of entering service.

Finned Passive Heat Exchangers by Charles R. Couch 2013. Comparative analysis of a heat sink using three different finite element models and validated experimentally.

Vacuum Tube Design by Charles R. Couch 2013. An excerpt from the eBook Designing Vacuum Tube Amplifiers and Related Topics, Second Edition.

Modelling an Orthotropic Material by an Assemblage of Isotropic Components by John Coffey, 2012. An investigation of a method for modelling vibration modes of plywood sheets using LISA and comparison with Chladni figures obtained experimentally.

Teaching Finite Element Method of Structural Line Elements by Waluyo Adi Siswanto, Agung Setyo Darmawan 2012. A strategy of teaching structural line elements involving open source FreeMat, CALFEM, Open Office Spreadsheet & LISA.

Wedge Lock Housing by Karim Tjokromulia 2012. Root cause analysis into the jamming of a mechanism in a blowout preventer.

Industria dell’arredamento Ricerca e ottimizzazione di un pannello sandwich A cura di Ennio Casagrande 2012. Il presente studio è stato commissionato per ricercare ed ottimizzare un pannello assemblato in grado di avere un discreto comportamento termico e meccanico non tralasciando l'estetica.

Cover Calcolo parete porta. A cura di Giuseppe Petrazzuolo 2012. Scopo del lavoro é l’analisi strutturale di una parete di un container cui si richiede di sopportare secondo le normative UIC e CSC.

Strutturale di un container. A cura di Giuseppe Petrazzuolo 2012. Scopo del lavoro é l’analisi strutturale di un container come utilizzo per alloggiamento di apparecchiature elettriche.

Ramp strength verification by Michael Zuhowski 2012. The strength of an existing concrete parking garage ramp needed to be verified before using it to transfer a heavy industrial machine.

Plastic coupling failure by Dirk Duffner 2012. Root cause analysis for leakages occuring in a water closet carrier system at a hotel.