Tutorials Beginner's Guide Tutorials and Reference Guide If streaming of below videos are blocked Analysis types
Static Thermal stress Modal vibration Transient thermal DC circuit Electrostatic Magnetostatic Buckling Acoustic Bingham flow Pseudo-plastic flow Pipe flow Decimation Display and selections Display Zoom, pan, rotate Selecting nodes, elements, faces and edges CAD files and meshing Creating nodes and elements Extrude, revolve, loft STP, IGS, STL (three dimensional automesher) Two dimensional automesher Local mesh refinement Parametric curves Element types Plane and solid Line Axisymmetric Shell Changing element shapes and orders Editing Delete Move, rotate, duplicate, arrays Rounding faceted features Materials Assigning materials Matrix and mesh information Loads and constraints Force, moment, pressure Displacement, rotation Weight, inertia, centrifugal Inclined supports Cyclic symmetry Loadcases Temperature Convection, radiation Heatjavascript video player by VideoLightBox.com v3.1